Saturday, December 8, 2007

Happy Joy Joy Moments...

1) It's official, I need not have an operation (no 6 weeks doing nothing with heavy belly pains)
2) It's official, We have the key to our new home. We started moving yesterday (Little things)... It looks really cozy already...
3) It's official, My Hubby's a reader... Terry Goodkind tickled his fancy, so now he's reading his first fantasy series... If it's good, I'll start it in English too, so we can chat about it before going to bed.
4) It's official, 'The Secret' has grabbed and changed more lives within my family than just my own.... I'm not the sole believer in the 'Law of attraction'.
5) It's official, my little brother will be the opening act of GOLDEN EARING!!!!!!! on the 15th of december. Unfortunately I have a gig myself that day, and can not be there to make pictures and support him, but I'm Sooooooooooooooooooooo proud!!!


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