Friday, June 20, 2008

Thoughts on life....

Just got back from Greece (Kos), and read a lot of good books there.
One of them was 'The Witch of Portobello' and Paulo once again had me hooked.
But the one that left a bigger impression was 'One' from Richard Bach.
My Saggi/Horse collegue once advised me to read it, and so I bought it a while a go.
It's great. It's not so much the contence as it is the concept.
It discribes the matrix of different worlds all co-exsiting 'now'. It's done in a novel type way and it got me thinking about the world we live in at the moment.
A lot of people say that things in general are getting worse. And 'terror' is being spread all around to imply that these people are right. But some how I don't believe it anymore. I think we are doing a lot better. It seems like Humanity is rediscovering it's mind. In the past there have been 'genious' ' that influenced our thinking, but now it seems the doors are opening to all of us.
There's a lot of distrust towards different cultures and different parts of the world. But if you think about it, how long have we known these other cultures? In the past there was a lot of civil war in the now so called developed countries, but now we're learning to understand each other.
Wars within the West has now shifted to West vs. East wars. The west among each other are getting along a lot better now... 'we know what we can expect from our neighbour'...
Somehow I think we'll one day 'know what to expect from the East' and the whole 'terror-campaign' will fail to work.
I saw a film last night 'Mighty Heart'. Great film. It taught me a very valuable thing.
Where ever there is conflict, there will be 'terrorists', people that feed on the conflict and exploit it in various ways. I've never heard a better definition of the word. It's become clear to me who I consider a terrorist, and what the word means.
It also combined with this new look I have on wars, has given me the reasurence that it can't go on forever. At some point I expect a solution, new understanding, harmony, peace....
Nice thought.
I'd love to say more about the book One, cause I didn't really go in to it (kinda side tracked) but that will have to wait till some other time.
My break's over :(

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