Sunday, February 8, 2009

A Blue Day

This is one of those days when so much has happened, that I’ve become a little numb to it all.You just want the day to pass as quick as possible, so you can forget it.
The fantastic thing was however that I was early for work. A great accomplishment.
Another good thing was that, due to the fact that I’m not often ‘out of it’, all my collegues were understanding and gave me space on my ‘Blue Day’.
My boss was kind enough to let me leave at 18:00 sharp, even though she’d scheduled me for a 18:15 shift.
I found out that my daughter picked up her soother and put it in her mouth by herself (first time!)
I tasted a wicked chicken and chutney sandwich.
Then tasted a really good nasi when I got home (like the one he cooked for me just before we got together ;-)
I felt my daughter cuddle up in my arms while I carried her to bed… that always feels special…She fell asleep without a fuss.
I had some great conversations with some beautiful people.
My mom told me she loves me…

Looking at it that way, it’s a pretty good Blue Day….

Saturday, February 7, 2009

You Don't Know Nothin'...

I just spent a half an hour, listening over & over again to You Don't Know Nothin' from For Real...
That is one of the most delicious songs to listen to.
I remember when I'd seen it for the first time on Mtv, and almost died.... then waited day after day till it would come again so I could record it in my video tape.
The years later, I lost the tape & desparately tried to buy the CD somewhere. By that time it was hard to find, cause the didn't become very big.
At 18 I went to America to visit my Aunt & Uncle in Atlanta.... and in her CD collection I find..... For Real. Inspired by another song on that CD, I wrote a song: How, that was later used on the 1st album of the gospel choir Inside Out.
I tried to buy the CD in America, but couldn't find it.
When I returned, I tried in Holland, but it was only available on Amazon.... & I didn't have a creditcard, nor did anyone I know... so I gave up.
I don't remember how I finally did get the CD, but it was years later and I was thrilled.
It's not a very good album, in fact it's pretty boring, but it had that song!
Then in 2007 when we lived in the Hague... a box of CD's was stolen from our apartment... We'd just moved, and the house was filled with boxes. Our land lord had given copies of our key to so many different 'handymen' that came to fix stuff in our home, when we found out the box was missing, we changed the locks, but that didn't get me back my CD's.
Miss Ann (from Wicked) and I one day decided that we wanted to write songs together...
We were brainstorming on the songs that were special to us and she mentioned For Real.... I was esstatic (?) turns out she had the song, the breakdown of the different voices & all that....
She sent them to me somewhere last year...
Now, cleaning up my gmail... I found the song....
Listened to it over, and over again....