Monday, January 12, 2009

zo moeder, zo dochter....

Every once in a while at a family gathering, we go down memorylane...
A family member is chosen, usually due to a comment they make that serves as a trigger, and every crazy, stupid, cute and funny thing about them is called back to life.

Thanks to these 'get togethers' I remember that my first songs were based on the theme of "Mariannetje zo zwart als roet" ( I just googled that... it's "Moriaantje zo zwart als roet" it's a very short song, but my version had a gazillion verses... I could spend my sundays trotting through the house making up verse after verse after verse after verse and driving my sisters MAD) and the tune of the 'Bounty' advert that was on TV at that time...possibly in the days of 'Sky Channel.... (remember Sky Channel????) all I know is, it sterted with "When I look into your eyes, I can see Paradise...." after those 2 lines I was offf... making up al kinds of sentences that I felt fit with the song. And as with "Moriaantje" every time I sang it, the story would be different.

Round about those same years, my sisters and I would make up stories at night before going to bed. The eldest one would begin, and tell a really exciting one, then the second would follow, and then they'd brace themselves for my story.
They tried to listen for about 5 minutes max. then they'd be asleep. This wasn't because my sisters were extremily cruel and didn't want to hear my adventures, but because my stories (as my songs) went on FOREVER.... all glued together with the phrase "En Toen..." which I used very very often, hoping this would keep the story interesting..... it didn't...

Terribly sidetracked... the reason I brought this up, is because even before I could talk and make up songs, I was forever humming. All day, everyday I would hummmm....
And, last night, I heared my little girl hummmmm... for the first time.

1 comment:

Sophie said...

awwww, leuk he! :-) zo mooi om ineens iets van jezelf te zien of te horen. :-)