Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I've started!

583 words last night.
Feels very much like NaNoWriMo. (But it's not Sophie! :-)
I started within 'the Dragon Kingdom'.
It was lovely. This morning I was stalking my Hubby with 'all the things that are still going to happen' while he was getting ready. He's really into it. The story is really strong, but it's a challenge to be able to write it.
I know I was gonna research a little more first, but the links are smaller than I thought.
I'm still reading on the subject though.
Just writing at the same time.

Funny, today our Penguin Representative came by to discuss new titles. He asked me how I was doing and my GREAT! was so enthusiastic that he wanted to know more. So I told him, I'm writing a book. Usually he checks how the singing is going, so to here that this was book related was a suprise, but he liked it.
Who knows when it's done he might want to read it, he might have some tips on getting it 'published' who knows?
But I'm way ahead of myself. I only have 5oo+ words and a head full of ideas.
Still, it never hurts to dream...

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